
Improve your skills

anywhere, anytime

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Online training

Competencies management

Adapted courses

What we offer

Training for tomorrow's personnel, available today

Digisky trains its customers at any time and in a simple way thanks to our Digiskills online learning platform.

Adapted to businesses, Digiskills allows the management of its team and the verification of their skills in order to stay at the cutting edge of knowledge.

Our solution

The face-to-face courses offered on the market rarely meet the specific needs of customers. It is often considered too expensive to send your team across the country to follow generic training.

Digiskills is a digital and multilingual training platform designed for drone operators that addresses this problem. It allows you to manage your team’s skills, stay up to date on the various regulatory and technological developments and target the courses that are actually important to your use case.

How does it work?

Each learner is registered on the Digiskills platform and will have access to various courses, including the minimum requirements according to the civil aviation authorities.

Depending on their needs, customers can also put their own courses or information resources online, accessible only by their team.

Digiskills is also used by Digisky’s experts as an information channel to its clients regarding the latest legal changes.

Learning Management System for UAS

Do you want to train your staff or have a need for a platform specific to your company?

Contact us